Better Childbirth Outcomes

Aug 01, 2024

Comforting a Crying Baby


How to Comfort Your Crying Baby: Tried and true techniques and information on those dreaded crying spells

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Jun 20, 2024

Newborn Abilities


The cognitive abilities of newborns is much greater than previously recognized. Learn some of the abilities of your newborn to see, hear, and recognize people and objects in their world.

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May 18, 2024

Mother Infant Communication


Three essential ways to communicate with your infant.

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May 15, 2024

Site Map

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May 14, 2024

Infant Massage


Research has demonstrated multiple benefits of infant massage to baby and parents. Follow our step-by-step instructions for a gentle massage.

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Jan 19, 2024

Breastfeeding Duration


These oceans stories contain the worlds classic stories of the seas.

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Aug 17, 2023

Natural Childbirth Advantages

Advantages of Natural Childbirth

A list of natural childbirth advantages and disadvantages presents the reasons for different individual's choices during labor and birth.

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Aug 08, 2023

Informed Consent for Childbirth

Seven factors of informed consent for labor and childbirth that are often overlooked or ignored.

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Aug 08, 2023

Decreasing Maternal Mortality

Decreasing maternal mortality remains a priority for the public and for maternal health care workers. Tried and proposed strategies for reduction.

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Jan 07, 2013

Baby Wearing Research

While there has been increased interest in baby wearing, research on this practice is not as easy to find. What is known about baby wearing and infant contact? What are the methods of baby wearing?

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Jan 01, 2013

Pregnancy Herbs

pregnancy herbs, herbs in pregnancy, safety of herbs during pregnancy

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Jan 01, 2013

Best Possible Childbearing Outcome

The best possible childbearing outcome is the highest level of health attainable for an individual mother and baby. Here are the factors needed to achieve that goal.

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Sep 22, 2012

Kangaroo Care

Kangaroo care refers to the placement of the infant skin to skin with the mother. Research continues to demonstrate benefits to both. Obstacles in the health care field continue to diminish this contact between mothers and babies.

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Sep 22, 2012

Infant Touch

Infant touch is more than a comfort technique, it is essential for an infant's growth and development. Four different types of touch can be used by parents to help them adjust and thrive.

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Sep 04, 2012

Risks of Newborn Nursery

Decades have research have indicated the value of keeping mothers and newborns together. Simultaneously, there is a growing body of research indicating the risks of newborn nursery use and the common practice of separating the mother and her baby. This article lists the disadvantages of removing the baby from the mother's presence.

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